Summer and dog food: What dogs need in the heat

Summer and dog food: What dogs need in the heat - Summer and dog food: What dogs need in the heat

Summer is a wonderful time of year that entices many of us to spend more time outdoors. It's the season to enjoy the sunshine, take longer walks, and perhaps even take a trip to the water. However, while we humans often love the warm temperatures, they can pose a challenge for our dogs. Especially in extreme heat, it is important to pay attention to the right diet to ensure that your dog stays healthy and gets through the hot days well. In this blog post, you will learn about the specific needs dogs have in summer, the role that proper dog food plays, and how you can best support your four-legged friend.

Why the right diet in summer is so important

Dogs react to heat differently than we humans do. While we can regulate our body temperature through sweating, dogs do so mainly by panting and through their paws. This means that they are more susceptible to overheating and dehydration in high temperatures. This is where the right diet comes into play.

Your dog's diet in summer should be tailored to support their fluid balance, be easy to digest, and at the same time provide all the necessary nutrients they need to stay healthy and energized. The wrong food can not only lead to digestive problems but also increase the risk of heat stroke or exhaustion.

Light and easily digestible meals

In summer, it’s important to ensure that the dog food is easy to digest. Heavy, high-fat meals can burden the dog and increase their body temperature. Light, protein-rich food, such as that offered by Seitz dog food, is ideal. Seitz uses high-quality ingredients that are easy to digest and do not unnecessarily burden the stomach.

Another important aspect is the protein content. Protein-rich meals provide the necessary energy without overwhelming the body. Seitz offers various types of dog food that are precisely tailored to your dog's needs – from puppies to seniors, from active dogs to those with sensitive stomachs.

Ensure proper hydration

Water is essential in summer. Dogs need to drink enough to regulate their body temperature and prevent dehydration. Besides fresh water, you can also make sure that your dog's food contains moisture. Wet food is particularly recommended in summer as it has a higher water content than dry food, thus contributing to hydration.

If your dog mainly eats dry food, you can enrich it with a little water or offer some wet food in between. This not only provides additional moisture but also makes the food tastier and helps them cope better with the heat.

Supplementing with fresh snacks

Fresh, water-rich snacks are an excellent addition to the regular diet in summer. Fruits and vegetables like cucumbers, melons, or apples (without seeds) can be a refreshing and healthy snack for your dog. They are not only low in calories but also provide additional fluids.

However, it is important to know which fruits and vegetables are safe for dogs. Not all are safe – grapes, raisins, or avocados, for example, can be toxic. If you are unsure about which snacks you can give your dog, it’s best to consult your veterinarian.

Adjusted feeding times

In summer, it is advisable to adjust the feeding times. Since it is hottest during midday, you should preferably schedule the main meals in the early morning or late evening when it is cooler. This way, the food does not place additional stress on your dog's system in the heat, and they can digest it better.

In between, you can offer your dog small, easily digestible snacks that provide energy without overwhelming them. Make sure that after eating, your dog doesn’t lie directly in the sun but instead finds a shady spot.

Cool treats as a reward

What could be better than enjoying a delicious ice cream on a hot day? Dogs also appreciate a refreshing treat. Of course, dogs should not have regular ice cream as it contains too much sugar and milk. Instead, you can offer special dog ice treats or even make your own.

A simple recipe is to mix some plain yogurt (lactose-free) with pureed fruits and pour it into ice cube trays. After a few hours in the freezer, you’ll have a cool and healthy ice treat for your dog. Alternatively, frozen carrots or cucumber slices are also great for cooling down.

Other things to keep in mind

Besides diet, there are a few other things to keep in mind during summer to keep your dog healthy and happy:

  1. Shady spots and plenty of water: Make sure your dog always has a shady spot to retreat to, and ensure that fresh water is always available.

  2. Avoid physical exertion in the heat: Walks should take place in the early morning or late evening when it is cooler. Avoid letting your dog play in the blazing sun to prevent overheating.

  3. Cooling mats and fans: Cooling mats or a fan can provide a welcome refreshment for your dog, especially if they need to be outdoors for a longer period.

Conclusion: How to keep your dog healthy through the summer

Summer is a wonderful time that your dog can enjoy just as much as you with the right measures. Proper nutrition plays a key role in this. With easily digestible, protein-rich food like that from Seitz, proper hydration, and fresh snacks, you can ensure that your dog stays fit and healthy even in high temperatures.

Visit and discover our wide range of high-quality dog food and refreshing snacks for the hot days. Your dog will thank you with health, good cheer, and a cool nose!
